WebReinvent Internal Docs
Getting Started

Final PHP Test

College Management System is a web based application in which user can sign up with the following information as described in the Required section. User will have option to reset their password. User will go to forget password page and input email ID and click on Forget Password. User will get an email of Reset Password link. On click that link, User will redirect to reset password page and user can input new password here.

On SignIn, User will redirect to College CRUD. User can add college and after that user can see the option of Lecturers in college row that User added. On click Lecturers Link, User will redirect to college's lecturers CRUD.

Example: We have two Users, Aman and Abishek. Aman add two colleges and Abishek add three colleges. So Aman can see their own two colleges only. Same for lecturers, Lecturers can belong to a College.

Technologies Used

Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • HTML: HTML is the standard markup language for creating Web pages.
  • CSS : Use Bulma, It helps you create nice-looking websites. Click here to open Bulma documentation.
  • JavaScript: It is a programming language, allows us to add dynamic behavior to the webpage.

Backend: PHP, MySQL

  • PHP OOPS: PHP allows web developers to create dynamic content and interact with databases. OOP helps to keep the PHP code DRY "Don't Repeat Yourself", and makes the code easier to maintain, modify and debug.
  • MySQL: MySql is a database, widely used for accessing querying, updating, and managing data in databases.

Pages in College Management System

  • Sign In
  • Sign Up
  • Forget Password
  • Reset Password
  • College CRUD
  • Lecturer CRUD


  1. User will have first_name, last_name, email, phone, password, status columns.
  2. College will have name, address, phone, image_url, status columns.
  3. Lecturer will have first_name, last_name, subject, phone, status columns.
  4. User will verify and get reset password link through Email.
  5. Use Image uploader to upload college image.


Your code will be evaluated based on following quality guidelines:

  1. Properly intended code. Learn more at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3J5DWKPYts
  2. Variable name: Learn more at: https://docs.vaah.dev/guide/code.html#naming-conventions
  3. Overall code flow


  1. Do not take help from other colleagues
  2. Feel free to research on internet and learn more
  3. Feel free to ask questions about the requirements
  4. Before asking your seniors to review your code, make sure you've revisited all the requirement again and your application has all the feature requested.

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